Hello and Welcome
Thank you for visiting my web page.
If you are looking for the history of advertising, or prices on ads, you are on the wrong site - If you are looking for how to create effective advertising that works, you are on the right site.
This site is designed to give you ideas about getting better results from your advertising, marketing and selling - about actually making your advertising work, sometimes for the first time!
As you will see from the photo above it is all about people - truly without people we would not have a business.
Our interactions with those people, the cause and effect of various moments in time, is what effective advertising, marketing and selling is all about. Effective advertising (marketing and selling) is effective communication.
My goal is to give you a greater understanding of this simple, yet profound principle, and show you how to apply this in your daily, weekly, monthly, yearly objectives that will ultimately result in your business being much more successful.
Now there are the people who are your customers, the people who you would like to be your customers, and the people who serve your customers - like you. All of these are very important people.
And for advertising, marketing and selling to be effective we need to understand each of these three groups and the different roles they play in the success of our business.
Bill Bernbach - regarded as the greatest of ad creators and visionaries said in the forward to his book "The metabolism of the world has changed. New vehicles must carry ideas to it. We must ally ourselves with great ideas and carry them to the public". This has never been truer than today.